
Intellectual product O1 - NOOC 1 for consumer organizations

CounterRisk NOOC 1 (nano open online course) for consumer organizations. Available in five languages ES, EN, FR, CS and PT.

Course aimed at the staff of consumer organisations and all those involved in consumer education and awareness activities.

The course is offered on a mobile app and are consist of mini training pills, videos, infographics, activities, reading material, self-evaluation tests and case studies with augmented reality. The learning process is awarded with tokens, as gamification element.

Topics covered from consumer organizations point of view: risks of counterfeit children’s products, consumer protection, new technologies, intellectual property issues and product safety.

Download the apk on your mobile or tablet

This App can also be found on Play Store (android devices) and App Store (ios devices)

Intellectual product O2 - NOOC 2 for industry

CounterRisk NOOC 2 (nano open online course) for industry of children’s products, especially SME’s. Available in five languages ES, EN, FR, CS and PT.

Course aimed at the staff of companies of consumer goods for children.

The course is offered on a mobile app and are consist of mini training pills, videos, infographics, activities, reading material, self-evaluation tests and case studies with augmented reality. The learning process is awarded with tokens, as gamification element.

Topics covered from SMEs point of view: intellectual property, new technologies such as blockchain, children’s products safety and consumer communication.

Download the apk on your mobile or tablet.

Available on Play Store (android devices) and App Store (iOS devices).

Results of the Erasmus Days webinar


Material from the webinar « Nuevos horizontes en seguridad en la UE. Implicaciones para los productos infantiles. Las falsificaciones: un problema grave para la salud de los más pequeños » provided by AIJU within Erasmus Days initiative of 2022.


Results of the C1 short-term joint staff training event


Event organized by the Centre for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) of the University of Strasbourg (France). Topics addressed from the businesses point of view: legal aspects of intellectual and industrial property, the blockchain applied to product and company protection, children’s product safety regulations, building consumer trust in the industry. 

Results of the online staff training event


Material from the  knowledge exchange online session for the staff of the  European organizations that  form the  CounterRisk consortium. Topics addressed from the consumer point of view: European regulation, environmental problems arising from counterfeiting, introduction to blockchain technology, risks of counterfeit products.  

Results of the first multiplier event hosted by Lucentia Lab


Material from the first multiplier event « New technologies and mechanisms to protect child consumers from counterfeits. CounterRisk NOOC: what consumers need to know » hosted by Lucentia Lab in September 2022.

Topics adressed included the risks of counterfeit products and how to identify them, impact on industry, the role of IP, and how new technologies, including blockchain, can contribute to product protection. Presentation of NOOC for consumers.

Results of the final multiplier event hosted by AIJU


Material from the final multiplier event hosted by AIJU  on 16 March 2023 « New European legal framework for consumer products. Implication for children’s products safety. Presentation of CounterRisk training tools« .

Among the topics addressed were the hidden risks of counterfeit products, how to defend your company against them, novelties for children’s products in the new European legal framework and activities carried out by market surveillance authorities, intellectual and industrial property and the role of new technologies for brand protection. Presentation of CounterRisk training tools.

Results of the multiplier event hosted by SHH


Material from the multiplier event hosted by SHH on 30 March 2023 « Seminář o boji proti padělkům hraček a prezentaci projektu CounterRisk« . Seminar on the fight against counterfeit toys and presentation of the CounterRisk project.

Among the topics addressed there was the presentation of CounterRisk training tools, the issue of fighting against counterfeits, intellectual property rights and the application of new technologies for product protection.

NOOC1 competences for consumer organizations and consumer educators


What you will learn about counterfeit children’s products.

NOOC2 competences for businesses in children's products sector


What you will learn in CounterRisk NOOC for industry.

Dissemination and awareness material for consumer organizations


Dissemination and awareness material from CounterRisk social networks aimed at consumer organizations.

Dissemination and awareness material for businesses in children's products sector


Dissemination and awareness material from CounterRisk social networks aimed at businesses in children’s products sector.

Lessons learned


Lessons learned by the CounterRisk consortium. Lessons learned can be used to identify project management process improvements and the strengths of the project.